
October 22, 2024

CASA's 2024 Salary Survey Results are IN!

Purchase the results here.

The CASA salary survey is designed to collect average annual salaries and benefits for key ASC positions in California. Each year, the survey becomes more successful with increased participation and expanded results.  

The report includes information on key ASC positions for the state of California and also provides statistical data from 8 different California regions. The responses for these regions reflect the number of locations of ASCs in those regions and provide appropriate salary and benefits information for the ASCs to utilize in their budget planning and management. The report also carves out multi-specialty ASCs, single-specialty eye, and GI Centers into separate categories. Additionally, surgery centers are broken down by volume in the report. This should give those conducting an analysis a variety of opportunities to benchmark their information and make an accurate comparison.

The survey results are tabulated into a detailed summation with aggregate regional statistics.  It is further broken down to provide statistics based on ASC volume, multi-specialty ASCs, and single-specialty ASCs focused on GI and Ophthalmology.

To have the most robust and accurate data we encourage our member facilities to participate. 

This survey is free to all CASA members who take part in the survey. All others (non-participant members and non-members) will be charged a fee of $500 for the results. Our beta testers stated they could complete the survey in approximately 15 minutes.

The 2024 Salary Survey results are available.  

Participating ASCs should have received an email with access to the survey. Non -participants can purchase at the link below.

CASA 2024 Salary Survey Order Form

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