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Is Your Center Ready for the OAS CAHPS Survey?

Starting in just a few months, January of 2025, ASCs must conduct the Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (OAS CAHPS) Survey, or face reduced Medicare reimbursement rates in 2027 onward. As of June 1, 2024, only 20 percent of ASCs across the country have selected an OAS CAHPS vendor.  CASA encourages all our members to start preparing now. 

OAS CAHPS has specific administration modes and requires ASCs to work with an approved OAS CAHPS Survey vendor to fulfill the reporting requirements. 

CASA held an informational webinar for our members earlier this year.  It’s recorded and available for our members to watch on-demand and offers Continuing Education Credits and CASC credits.

Registration: OAS-CAHPS Get Ahead of the Curve

Hear how your peers are implementing strategies to prepare for the OAS CAHPs at the CASA Conference in September!

The CASA Conference is packed with topics addressing the ASC Experience for the patient, staff, and provider.  Check out the whole program here.  Don’t delay in booking your hotel room and registering for the conference.  CASA hotel and registration discounts end next week!

Conference Registration

Hotel Reservations

This year’s CASA Conference, September 4-6, 2024, at the Anaheim Marriott is devoted to the discussion of improving and excelling the ASC experience.  Make sure you and your team are registered to maximize this critical education.  Highlighted below are a few of the featured general sessions.

We kick off Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. with

ASC Imagination-Creating the Optimum ASC Experience

2024 Speaker Panel

Join us as we navigate the path to an optimal ASC environment of tomorrow.  In this enlightening session, a panel of esteemed CA ASC experts will delve into the challenges and prospects that lie ahead.  Explore the shifting landscape of ASCs and discover key avenues for expansion and sustainability.  From embracing value-based care to forging strategic partnerships, we’ll explore pivotal factors that drive success. 

Leading a Culture of Service Excellence:  Lessons From The Mouse


In today’s competitive market, developing a service excellence strategy is an important part of any leader’s role. Beyond developing the strategy, however, there is the challenge of executing the plan. It’s in the execution that service excellence strategies become a reality or simply another “flavor-of-the-month” program. Employees watch to see how committed the organization truly is to customer service and take their cues directly from their leaders. In order to effectively implement an organization-wide service excellence strategy, today’s leaders must rely on the skills of a facilitator and idea champion and must walk the talk of service excellence.  Based on the leadership principles Dennis Snow learned, lived, and taught during his 20 years with Walt Disney World, this presentation highlights specific leadership behaviors that bring a service strategy to life and describes how to “hardwire” service excellence into an organization’s culture. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Leading Through Change & Challenge

keynote 2Libby Gill delivers an inspiring message about creating a future-focused vision despite ongoing change. She shares her process for transforming insight and influence into lasting impact. With powerful stories, relevant case studies, and evidence-based strategies, she helps organizations reframe change as opportunity. This session will guide you to (1) Master results-based strategies based on Libby's trademarked True Hope Process™ to "Clarify the Vision; Simplify the Pathway; Execute the Plan; and Review, Reflect, and Refine” for current and future success. (2) Identify the personal Leadership Superpower that helps you guide others to be adaptable and innovative. (3) Link beliefs (emotions) to behaviors (actions) to break down barriers and move yourself and your team past any obstacles in your path.

The program continues through September 6th with additional General Session topics including the popular “Legislative and Regulatory Update” and new this year “Accreditation Friday”! Of course, Thursday afternoon will be packed with smaller breakout sessions diving deeper in the subjects of Finance, Human Resources, Clinical and Quality oversight.  Check out the whole program here.

We encourage you to make your room reservation at the Anaheim Marriott to take advantage of CASA’s discounted rate.  These rates will be available until August 2, 2024.

Register Today

Conference Program

Hotel Reservations

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