News and Opportunities


CASA Celebrates Women’s History Month

CASA Member Profile - Lisa Cooper

March is Women’s History Month—a time to recognize the important contributions of women in healthcare. CASA acknowledges the women leaders who have helped improve patient care and health outcomes, and we invite surgery centers to join us in celebrating these achievements. For those interested in learning more about the positive impact of women in healthcare, check out the Association of Women Surgeons, the National Women’s History Museum, and the American Medical Women’s Association for profiles, insights, and inspiring stories.


CASA Legislative Update 3.5.25

In California, the legislative process is in the beginning stages of what is a long two-year session. After the February 21st bill introduction deadline, there were more than 2500 measures introduced – with just over 1500 Assembly bills and 850 Senate bills.


CASA 2025 Salary Survey and Employment Lifecycle Webinar Series

It is that time of year to submit your information for the annual CASA Salary Survey. Each year, the survey becomes more successful with increased participation and expanded results. 


DWC Posts Fee Schedule Adjustments for Hospital Outpatient Departments / Ambulatory Surgical Centers

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has posted adjustments to the Hospital Outpatient Departments and Ambulatory Surgical Centers section of the Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) to conform to changes in the Medicare payment system as required by Labor Code section 5307.1. The changes take effect on March 1, 2025.


CASA Celebrates Black History Month

Member Spotlight - Sarah Sterling and Maisha Alexander

At CASA we continue to recognize Black History Month and celebrate the significant contributions of Black healthcare leaders in the ASC community. Join us this month in promoting the value of diversity in medicine, celebrating the contributions of Black leaders, and encouraging progress in closing gaps in healthcare access and equity for Black patients.


CASA Hosting CASC Exam in September

CASA is excited to offer ASC professionals the opportunity to earn the prestigious Certified Administrator Surgery Center (CASC)® credential this fall!  CASA would like to thank HST Pathways for being a generous sponsor and making this possible.


CASA Celebrates Black History Month

Member Spotlight - Dr. Martina Randall

Black History Month provides an opportunity to celebrate the significant contributions of Black medical professionals, acknowledge continuing racial disparities in health outcomes, and promote health equity. At CASA, we want to recognize the Black physicians, nurses, researchers, and healthcare professionals who have helped advance medicine and improve patient care – these people help inspire future generations of Black healthcare professionals. Promoting diversity in medicine is proven to enhance patient communication, trust, and outcomes. Additionally, Black History Month provides an opportunity to promote health screenings, disease prevention, and wellness programs tailored to Black communities.


ASC Community Support Alternatives to PAIN Act

Take the CASA Opioid-Sparing Pledge

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has reintroduced the Alternatives to Prevent Addiction in the Nation Act (Alternatives to PAIN Act)—a vital step toward increasing access to non-opioid pain management treatments for Medicare beneficiaries across the country.


Resilience in the Face of Fires: How Ambulatory Surgery Centers Survived and Supported Patients and Communities During the Recent Los Angeles Wildfires

In the face of the recent wildfires that destroyed many communities throughout the Los Angeles area, there were several ASCs that exemplified great resilience and a continued commitment to patient care and their communities. Centers were located in impacted areas, and many staff and surgeons were evacuated from their homes, with some suffering damage or loss from the fires. Elective procedures were stopped to allow the hospital and surgery centers to allocate staff to urgent needs and handle emergent cases.


CASA Board Advocates for ASCs at the State Capitol

On January 25, 2025, CASA Board members met with key California legislators to highlight the vital role Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) play in the state’s healthcare system. In a productive day of advocacy, the Board engaged with 21 legislative offices across the Assembly and Senate, including many influential committee members overseeing ASC-related policies.


Enhance Your HR Expertise with CASA’s Employment Lifecycle Webinar Series

First Session Approaching Soon - Don't Miss Out!!

As an ASC administrator, your HR responsibilities play a critical role in fostering a thriving workplace. Whether you’re new to HR management or a seasoned professional seeking the latest insights, staying informed is essential.


CASA Member Update - Fires, Budget News and Legislative Look-Ahead

The recent wildfires in Los Angeles County have caused many ASCs to face temporary closures due to evacuations, poor air quality, power outages, and even catching fire. These disruptions are delaying  procedures and impacting patient schedules. Moreover, staff availability is being affected as employees deal with personal evacuations, loss of homes, or transportation difficulties due to road closures and poor air quality.


Enhance Your HR Expertise with CASA’s Employment Lifecycle Webinar Series

As an ASC administrator, your HR responsibilities play a critical role in fostering a thriving workplace. Whether you’re new to HR management or a seasoned professional seeking the latest insights, staying informed is essential.


Important Dates for CASA Members in 2025

Make sure to update your Calendar!

Below are some important opportunities, including a timeline that California ASCs should be incorporating into their yearly plan.  We encourage you to add these dates and deadlines to your calendar.


CASA Members in Action

On November 14, 2024, Senator Roger Niello (R-Fair Oaks) toured the Folsom Sierra Endoscopy Center. The visit was initiated after Senator Niello learned about the center’s achievement in receiving the CASA Award for ASC Excellence in September 2023 and expressed interest in seeing its operations firsthand.


CA Pulse - Start of the Legislative Session -December 2024

McGuireWoods Consulting - CASA Legislative Advocates

On Monday, December 2, 2024, the California State Legislature convened for the start of the 2025-2026 Legislative Session to be sworn in for office. Right now, there are nearly 144 measures introduced – including 41 Senate Bills (SBs) and 82 Assembly Bills (ABs). Bills introduced at the start of session usually fall into one of three categories: placeholders bills, reintroductions of bills that died the previous session, or bills that aim to solidify a member’s interest in a specific issue area.


Boost Your Team with CASA’s Perioperative 101 Discount!

Staffing remains a top priority for CASA members. That’s why CASA has partnered with AORN to offer members an exclusive discount on the AORN Perioperative 101 training program. This comprehensive course equips novice ASC perioperative nurses—new graduates and transitioning nurses with the essential skills and knowledge to excel in ambulatory surgery centers.


Celebrating Veterans Day

Member Spotlight - Thomas Parra

On this year’s Veterans Day, we express great appreciation to all those who have served our Nation in war and in peace. We recognize their sacrifices and resiliency, and we honor those who have fallen.


CASA Advocacy Update – October 2024

The two-year 2023/20424 legislative session for California has come to a close – the deadline for the Legislature to pass bills was on August 31st, and Governor Newsom had until September 30th to sign or veto the bills that came to his desk. This was a busy year for CASA advocacy, with active engagement in support or opposition to various legislative proposals, a series of tours at CASA member facilities to help legislators increase their familiarity with ASCs, and continued relationship-building with legislators to build our bench of policymaker champions on issues that impact ASC business and patient care. Key highlights and priority issues include:


CDPH AFL Addressing IV Solution Shortage

AFL 24-24 Intravenous (IV) Solution Shortage due to Hurricane Helene is now available. This AFL notifies facilities of the intravenous (IV) solution shortage due to Hurricane Helene. This AFL also provides Baxter’s guidance for health care providers on product management and conservation actions and CDPH guidance for planning and responding to supply chain issues.


IV Fluid Shortage

A Baxter International facility in North Carolina damaged by the hurricane has halted production, which could result in shortages of normal saline, dialysis solutions and other IV products.  It’s likely CA ASCs have received notification from the manufacturer warning them of their decreased production and shipping allowances. The shortage of fluids along with other medical supplies could also be impacted by the dock workers strike on the East and Gulf Coasts.


SB 525 Minimum Wage for Healthcare Workers to Go Into Effect This October

This past spring, Governor Newsom signed legislation extending the implementation of SB 525.  This is the legislation mandating increasing the minimum wage in health care settings. In July, the budget agreement, continued the delay of the implementation of the healthcare minimum wage of $25.00 per hour taking effect until October 15, 2024, at the earliest.


Governor Newsom Vetoes AB 3129 (Wood)

On September 28, 2024, Governor Newsom vetoed AB 3129 (Wood), a decision that protects thousands of valuable transactions, partnerships, and joint venture opportunities between Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs), our hospital and health system partners, and private equity investors.


CASA’s Annual Infection Prevention Seminar – Don’t Miss Out!

Register Today and Secure Your Spot at the Early-Bird Discount Rate!

Infection prevention remains a top priority for CMS ambulatory surgery center surveys, and now more than ever, staying up-to-date is essential. CASA has been at the forefront of infection prevention education since 2008, and we continue to lead the way with our annual seminar, designed specifically for ASCs.


Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Profile of CASA Member Sylvia Uriarte, Business Office Manager, Central Coast Surgery Center

The dates for celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th through October 15th) were chosen to coincide with the anniversaries of independence for several Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Chile, and Brazil. As we continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage this month, we invite you to learn more about CASA Member Sylvia Uriarte.


CDPH Issues AFL Addressing CRNA Requirements

On September 6, 2024, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released an All Facilities Letter (AFL) addressing the requirements for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) in General Acute Care Hospitals. Although this AFL is directed at hospitals, it contains valuable information and references that will also benefit California ASCs that utilize CRNAs in their daily operations.


Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Profile of CASA Member Cindy Vasquez, Center Administrator

National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated each year from September 15th through October 15th to recognize the history, culture, and contributions from Americans who have ancestors from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. As healthcare providers, CASA members can work to provide culturally competent care for the growing population of Hispanic and Latinx patients, which make up about 19% of the U.S. population.  CASA is celebrating this year by sharing some of our members’ stories.


CASA Awards 20 ASCs with the CASA Award for ASC Excellence

Sequoia Surgical Pavilion Honored with the CASA ASC of the Year Award

On Thursday, September 5, 2024, CASA revealed the recipients of the 2024 CASA Award for ASC Excellence and the CASA ASC of the Year.  The awards were established to acknowledge that California ASCs are drivers of excellent healthcare, providing opportunities and solutions for healthcare reform.  In 2016, the CASA Board established the CASA Award for ASC Excellence as a mechanism to honor ASCs who strive to “rise to the top.”


2024 Call for CASA Board Nominations

Operations Survey Deadline Extended

CASA Annual Board elections will be held this September at the CASA Annual Conference. There are 2 Board seats open, one of which must be filled by a physician.


DWC Posts Adjustments to Official Medical Fee Schedule (Hospital Outpatient Departments/Ambulatory Surgical Centers)

CASA Benchmarking Open for 2024 1st Quarter Data Entry

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has posted an order adjusting the Hospital Outpatient Departments and Ambulatory Surgical Centers section of the Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) to conform to changes in the Medicare payment system as required by Labor Code section 5307.1.


2024 Call for CASA Board Nominations

CASA Annual Board elections will be held this September at the CASA Annual Conference. There are 2 Board seats open, one of which must be filled by a physician.


Governor and Legislature Announce Budget Agreement Over the Weekend

Healthcare Minimum Wage Delayed Until October

Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic lawmakers made a budget agreement this past Saturday.  The deal includes $16 billion in cuts, declares a statewide fiscal emergency, and pulls money from the state’s rainy-day reserves to balance a $46.8-billion budget deficit.


CASA Launches Operations Survey

Make sure your center participates

Navigating the day-to-day operations in a surgery center can be difficult.  CASA is launching an Operations Survey to assist our members benchmark their policies and components of daily operations.


CASA Board Advocates for ASCs in Sacramento

On June 3rd  and 4th, 2024, the CASA Board met with legislators in Sacramento to discuss the importance of the ambulatory surgery industry. The Board was able to meet with Senator Angelique Ashby and Assembly Majority Leader Cecilia Aguiar-Curry to highlight issues important to ASCs and educate them on the role ASCs have to the health care system to help drive health care costs down while maintaining high-quality care.


Celebrating Pride Month

June is Pride Month, a time dedicated to celebrating and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community. ASC leaders can take steps to promote an inclusive workplace, including having clear policies to protect LGBTQ+ workers, creating employee resource groups, and fostering a culture of acceptance rather than discrimination. At the same time, ASCs should take purposeful steps to treat patients with sensitivity to ensure their healthcare experience is inclusive and respectful. 


Governor Newsom Extends Minimum Wage Implementation by One Month

On May 31, 2024, Governor Newsom signed an extension of SB 525 implementation from June 1, 2024 to July 1, 2024.  This is the legislation mandating the following schedule for increasing the minimum wage in health care settings.


Honoring Memorial Day

Veteran Spotlight -  Chris Wilson, MD, LTC(Ret), US Army

This Memorial Day, let us honor veterans and active duty military by sharing resources focused on leadership development, which can be beneficial for veterans transitioning to roles in Ambulatory Surgery Centers.


CASA Celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Month, dedicated to prioritizing our well-being and promoting open conversations about mental health. At CASA, we recognize the importance of mental health and its impact on our personal and professional lives.


CASA Benchmarking and CMS Quality Measures Deadlines Approaching

The CASA Benchmarking will close for data entry on May 15, 2024.  This is the same deadline date for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Reporting measures.


Check Out CASA's Upcoming Webinars!

Have you trained your ASC staff to address an active shooter situation? Are you wondering how to incorporate AI into your ASC functions? Make sure you investigate these upcoming CASA webinars.


CASA Members in Action

On Friday, April 19, 2024, Assemblymember Mia Bonta (D-Oakland) toured the Surgery Center of Alta Bates Summit Medical Center. Assemblymember Bonta chairs the Assembly Health Committee, so this was a terrific opportunity to educate her and her team on the impact ASCs provide for her district and the state at large.  


CASA PAC - Urgent Call for Member Participation!

We recently reported CASA’s commitment to a more robust advocacy program. We need your help! The CASA Political Action Committee (PAC) just reviewed its current status, and we are launching a campaign to double the size of our PAC through voluntary financial contributions over the next six months.


CASA Advocacy Update – Protecting and Promoting the ASC Industry

Healthcare in California is changing – with new policies, political pressures, legislative mandates, and regulatory structures. CASA is adapting to those changes with a more robust advocacy program in Sacramento. CASA has expanded our team and presence, with two new lobbyists working in the State Capitol to educate lawmakers, engage with regulatory agencies, and represent the interests of California ASCs. Our approach will create more connections throughout the Legislature and maximize opportunities to protect and advance the industry amid the changing healthcare landscape.


DWC Posts Adjustments to Official Medical Fee Schedule (Hospital Outpatient Departments/Ambulatory Surgical Centers)

OAS CAHPS - Get Ahead of the Curve Webinar tomorrow - Have you Registered?

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has posted an order adjusting the Hospital Outpatient Departments and Ambulatory Surgical Centers section of the Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) to conform to changes in the Medicare payment system as required by Labor Code section 5307.1.


Change Healthcare Cyber Response

Resources for Providers, Pharmacies, Payers, Government Partners and Patients

As you are likely aware, Change Healthcare – an organization that works across the health system – has experienced a cybersecurity issue.  Below are some updates, links and resources available to support providers, pharmacies and patients in responding to questions and concerns.


CASA 2024 Salary Survey and CASA OAS CAHPS Webinar

It is that time of year to submit your information for the annual CASA Salary Survey. Each year, the survey becomes more successful with increased participation and expanded results.